The Journey of Living in Balance

Very few healing systems have such as complete impact on the nervous system as Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. The main purpose of craniosacral therapy is to release deep tensions centered around the central nervous system. It is only when we are free of pain cycles, chronic tensions and holding both in the body and the emotional system that we can be free to re-acquaint ourselves with our true nature.

It is within this realm that we can access true inner happiness. The central nervous system is what primarily records all of our life experiences. Imbalance found in any of the layers of our existence can be traced to a patterning in our nervous system. What craniosacral actually does is it allows the entire body to relax by slowing down the nervous system and permits self correction to the physiology by quieting what is over whelming. Healing is a multi-dimensional and you cannot merely address  physical symptoms in order to completely overcome what is imbalanced. Craniosacral therapy offers an inward journey with deep physical effects in relation to balancing towards the Health. The process it offers in subtle but it deepens the patient’s ability be present with the Whole experience. And that is the journey of living in balance.