Craniosacral Therapy is a type of hands manual therapy that works directly with the nervous system. In the face of chronic pain, injury, trauma and illness the nerves in the body produce holding patterns within the muscle memory and fascia of our tissues. If left unresolved for too long these holding patterns in the fascia affect all other systems in the body. The founding father of Osteopathic Medicine A.T. Stills investigated extensively in his career, how all systems of the body are inter-related and that when one system is affected by strain it affects the others systems.
Craniosacral Therapy may seem like a very light and subtle type of work. However, it has the ability to unlock a person’s own healing process is very profound and real. In fact the majority of the work is centered on supporting the ‘Health’ in the entire system as a whole, so that what is off balance can begin to come back to its original state. One of the fascinating things about this type of bodywork is that once there is a shift in the physical tissues it tends to stay that way. It has been in my experience as both a massage therapist and a biodynamic craniosacral therapist that the fruits of craniosacral therapy tend to be more permanent towards the health in the long run. Massage therapy is a very valuable tool to gain immediate relief from imbalance, but if you want to experience real change in what you are carrying in your body, biodynamic craniosacral therapy offers a much better chance of helping these patterns resolve. Accompanied with this possibility of real physical healing, the nature of the work also balances the nervous system. Clients report feeling much more settled in their bodies, in their mental and emotional states, in their lives and in their circumstances. Sometimes the most fundamental shift that needs to happen in order for the health to arise is the client’s ability to shift their perception of what is physically happening for them. All of these things provide the human body a way to gain freedom from the patterns that hold them.