Biodynamics is based on the premise that the body contains the blueprint for health that was present in our bodies from the time we were conceived.
As a Biodynamic Midwife I have been trained to consider the person within the patient. Along with being a Licensed Midwifery my formal training includes Pre & Perinatal Psychology, Embryology, Bodywork, Biodynamic Physiological Therapies, Interpersonal Neurobiology, Poly-Vagal Theory, Somatic Trauma Resolution Techniques specific to using Bodywork, Art and various Mindfulness Techniques. My entire midwifery practice is founded in a deep understanding of the Primal Health Period. I have a full Osteopathic training in Biodynamic principles which is a multifaceted discipline that supports the client to reconnect to their own unique and original baseline of health. Osteopathic training does not mean I am an Osteopathic doctor but rather I have extensive education in a kind of manual therapy that facilitates the body’s natural tendency toward self-healing. I have many years experience listening to the living physiology of cellular respiration through sitting in stillness and understanding how imprints have an effect on our physical structure. I have studied neurobiology specific to pregnancy, birth, to the early weeks postpartum and into the first year of life. The core value of biodynamic midwifery affirms that birth needs the least amount of intervention as possible while keeping the wellbeing of mother and infant in mind. |
Biodynamic Model of Midwifery Care, is based on the idea that birth is a physiologic process that can be greatly impacted by imprints as well as the environment in which we birth.
As a Biodynamic Midwife I play the part of continuous, vigilant, and wise observer. I offer my clients a deep sense of stillness and listening throughout pregnancy, birth and the postpartum time periods. I do this by always allowing a woman the space she needs to fully manifest her power. While the Art of Midwifery also includes the use of routine OB care such as lab work, ultrasounds, prenatal/postpartum exams, labor/delivery monitoring, etc. Biodynamic Midwifery further supports the natural physiology and hormones of birth to facilitate an optimal experience for mother and child. To facilitate a Biodynamic Birth, the midwife must build trust with clients over the prenatal period and, help create a birthing environment conducive to optimal physiologic birth. A Biodynamic Midwifery recognizes the inherent wisdom of our bodies to produce a network of hormones to orchestrate childbirth, and so seeks to optimize these hormones through creating a sense of safety around the laboring woman. These birthing hormones ease the mother’s pain, keep labor progressing, and bring her out of a rational mindset into her ancient brain that knows exactly how to birth. As a Biodynamic Midwife not only do I offer you Evidence-Based Midwifery Care, I will always listen to you, take the time to be with you, give you bodywork, offer you resources for processing your experiences, counsel you, never judge you, honor your requests and birth choices, while being with you in a sacred manner with continued gratitude as your pregnancy and birth unfold. |